This article helps you to activate windows 10 very easily. Follow the steps below
Before follow the steps make sure that your windows defender is turned off.
1. Download the file name "windows 10 activator" from here
2. Open a notepad, choose any one option below
a)Either right click on desktop then choose new then click Text Document
b) Or press windows key and R then type notepad and enter
3. Copy the text from downloaded file "windows 10 activator" and paste in new notepad
4. Now save the notepad file as win10.cmd Or win10.bat
5. Go to the destination of the file you saved.
6. Right click on the win10.cmd Or win10.bat file you saved and click on Run as Administrator
7. Command prompt windows will appear and wait for some seconds and "windows is activated" will be shown and you are done.
8. Just close the command window.
Congratulations! you did it.
Before follow the steps make sure that your windows defender is turned off.
1. Download the file name "windows 10 activator" from here
2. Open a notepad, choose any one option below
a)Either right click on desktop then choose new then click Text Document
b) Or press windows key and R then type notepad and enter
3. Copy the text from downloaded file "windows 10 activator" and paste in new notepad
4. Now save the notepad file as win10.cmd Or win10.bat
5. Go to the destination of the file you saved.
6. Right click on the win10.cmd Or win10.bat file you saved and click on Run as Administrator
7. Command prompt windows will appear and wait for some seconds and "windows is activated" will be shown and you are done.
8. Just close the command window.
Congratulations! you did it.